2024 Fixtures and Matches Schedule

As you would be aware from the AGM on Wednesday it is our 75th Anniversary and we have a fun packed and exciting year for you all. After discussions with the clubs we played last year I can confirm the dates as in the attached program. I have also had discussions with Shirley Park Golf Club and I am pleased to say they have agreed home and away matches with them this year. They usually field 16 men and I have said we will do our very best to field teams of 16 as well.

I have also spoken to Wimbledon because of the difficulty some of you had getting there in time for the 08.30 tee last year. We have agreed a first tee time of 09.30 which should give us plenty of time to travel.

So to sum up this year we have 8 home and away matches with friends old and new. We have 3 internal matches with the CCLGC and home and away matches with the Wednesday Warriors. As soon as you see the matches advertised on HowDidIDo get your names down if you don’t want to miss out on a great day. 

In addition to all this excitement we have the Captains Charity Invitation Day which will be hosted by this year’s captain, Simon Edwards, whom I am sure we will support as best as we can throughout the year and help him raise funds for his very deserving charity.

I hope you all have a great year and look forward to seeing you at the matches.

Best regards

Mike Jordan 

1st Monday -BHSocialStablefordYellow
8th MondayMonthly Medal (January)StablefordYellow
10th WednesdayAGMHotel
15th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
22nd MondaySocialStablefordYellow
29th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
5th MondayMonthly Medal (February)StablefordYellow
12th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
19th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
26th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
4th MondayMonthly Medal (March)StablefordYellow
11th Monday18 Hole CompetitionStablefordYellow
18th MondayPresident’s ChallengeStablefordYellow
25th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
25th MondayMatch vs Coulsdon LadiesStablefordYellow
28th ThursdayMatch Vs WoldinghamAway MatchMatch PlayYellow
1st Monday -BHSocialStablefordYellow
8th MondayMonthly Medal (April)QualifierMax Stoke Plus 5Yellow
12th FridayMatch vs Wimbledon Ageless Golf SectionHome MatchMatch PlayYellow
15th MondayCaptain’s Drive In/Club Championship Round 1QualifierMax Stoke Plus 5White
19th FridayHector Fudge 4 ball Better Ball. 4 from each ClubStrokeYellow
22nd MondayMatch Vs Addington CourtHome MatchMatch PlayYellow
22nd MondaySocialStablefordWhite
25th ThursdayMatch Vs Shirley ParkAwayMatch playYellow
29th MondayGeorge Boulter TrophyQualifierMax Stoke Plus 5White
6th Monday_ BHSocialStablefordYellow
13th MondayMonthly Medal (May)QualifierStablefordYellow
17th FridayMatch Vs ChipsteadHome MatchMax Stoke +5Yellow
20th MondayMatch Vs WoldinghamHome MatchMatch PlayWhite
20th MondaySocialMatch PlayYellow
22rd WednesdayPark Wood Away DayStablefordYellow
27th Monday -BHSocialStablefordYellow
3rd MondayMonthly Medal (June)QualifierstablefordYellow
7th FridayLightbody Trophy VETS & CCLGC 4 Ball Better Ball.Away MatchMax Stoke +5Yellow
10th MondayTexas Scramble 4 BallMatch PlayYellow
12th WednesdayMatch Vs The ArtisansHome MatchStablefordYellow
17th MondayClub Championship Round 2QualifierMatch PlayWhite
24th MondayMatch Vs North DownHome MatchMax Stoke +5Yellow
24th MondaySocialMatch PlayYellow
28th FridayMatch Vs MitchamAway MatchMatch PlayYellow
1st MondayMonthly Medal (July)QualifierMax Stoke +5Yellow
8th MondayMatch Vs North DownAway MatchMatch PlayYellow
8th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
12th Friday75th Charity Invitation DayHome MatchStablefordYellow
15th MondayBetter Ball in PairsStablefordYellow
19th FridayMatch Vs ChipsteadAway MatchMatch PlayYellow
22nd MondayCaptain’s CupQualifierStablefordYellow
29th MondayMatch Vs MitchamHome MatchStablefordYellow
29th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
5th MondayMatch Vs Lingfield ParkHome MatchMatch PlayYellow
5th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
12th MondayMonthly Medal (August)QualifierMax Stoke +5Yellow
14th WednesdayMatch Vs Addington CourtAway MatchMatch PlayYellow
19th MondayKelly ShieldQualifierStablefordYellow
26th MondayPresidents CupQualifierStablefordYellow
2nd MondayMonthly Medal (September)QualifierMax Stoke +5Yellow
9th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
13th FridayMatch Vs Lingfield ParkCancelledMatch PlayYellow
16th MondayTony Boniface TrophyQualifierMax Stoke +5Yellow
18th WednesdayMatch Vs The ArtisansAway MatchMatch PlayYellow
23th MondayClub Championship Round 3QualifierMax Stoke +5White
26th ThursdayMatch Vs Shirley ParkHomeMatch PlayYellow
30th MondayTexas Scramble Match Vs CCLGCAway MatchMatch PlayYellow
30th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
1st TuesdayMatch vs Wimbledon Ageless Golf SectionAway MatchMatch PlayYellow
7th MondayMonthly Medal (October)Max Stoke +5Yellow
14th MondayClub Championship Rd3QualifierMax Stroke+5White
21st MondayBetter Ball in PairsStablefordYellow
28th Monday4 Club CompetitionStablefordYellow
4th MondayMonthly Medal (November)StablefordYellow
11th Monday18 Hole CompetitionStablefordYellow
15th FridayAnnual DinnerHotel
18th MondayChristmas CompetitionStablefordYellow
25th MondayTexas Scramble 3 BallStablefordYellow
2nd MondayMonthly Medal (December)StablefordYellow
9th Monday18 Hole CompetitionStablefordYellow
16th MondayMembers’ Christmas LunchStablefordYellow
16th MondaySocialYellow
23rd MondaySocialStablefordYellow
30th MondaySocialStablefordYellow
6th MondayMonthly Medal (January)StablefordYellow
8th WednesdayAGMHotel