I arrived a little early to find the course clothed in fog. I asked if it was still open and they said “why would we shut it?”
Slowly 31 golfers, I use the term loosely, began to arrive. Ron phoned to say his car had broken down so new cards were quickly written. With Coffee and bacon rolls dispatched we were ready for the 1st of 18. Then the rain started. It was slow and misty rain that got you wet quickly!
It was a good round for some and we slowly returned to the club house for a well deserved drink and a meal.
Then it was down to the winners to be decided and with much adjudication the final result was ready.
They were in reverse order
Nearest the Pin on 14th – Tony Brown
Nearest the pin on 8th. – Les Ropke
Best Back 9 – Frank Davey
Best Front 9 – Mac McRae
Overall runner up – Islam Hameed
Overall Winner – Les Ropke.
Great results for all the winners, and well done to everyone for attending what is becoming an annual event for the Vets and the Wednesday Warriors.
Mike Jordan