Honour Board

Eagles Club

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DateNameWeatherTeeParFinal Club Used
08 Nov 2021 (Mon)Les RopkeGoodNinthPar 56 Iron
13 Sep 2021 (Mon)Les RopkeGoodTenth.Par 48 Iron
23 Aug 2021 (Mon)Ken BoydenMildNinthPar 53 Wood
22 Jul 2021 (Thu)Tony MurphyFine, no windNinthPar 5Pitching Wedge
21 Jun 2021 (Mon)Les RopkeRain with windEighteenthPar 47 Iron
28 Sep 2020 (Mon)John GillMild and CalmFirst.Par 46 Iron
25 Nov 2019 (Mon)Les RopkeOvercastFourteenthPar 4Pitching Wedge
09 May 2019 (Thu)Les HarveyFine and DryFirstPar 48 Iron
31 Dec 1899 (Sun)Les RopkeOvercast, coolEleventhPar 3Pitching Wedge
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